Patient's Rights and Responsibilities
Mizell Memorial Hospital is dedicated to servicing the public regardless of race, creed, social or economic status, believing that the rights and dignity of every patient must be protected and promoted with care. The hospital strives to protect the patient's rights to privacy and keep patient records and communications confidential, in accordance with professional ethics and the law.
Mizell Memorial is committed to safeguarding the right of each patient to information about and participation in decisions regarding medical care, and to promoting respect and dignity for all individuals. In the case of a minor, the following rights and responsibilities are afforded the patient's parent or guardian.
You have the right to the following:

Considerate and respectful care, which optimizes your comfort and dignity throughout your treatment.

Access of treatment regardless of gender, age, disability, ethnicity, religion, or source of payment. This includes the right to supportive social and pastoral services that respect your personal value and belief system.

Expect that every attempt will be made to provide an interpreter, if your spoken language is not English, or if you are deaf or hearing impaired.

Receive aggressive and appropriate pain management when indicated.

Participate in the consideration of ethical issues that arise in the course of your care

Personal privacy and confidentiality.

Be free from all forms of abuse or harassment.

Receive information about, and an explanation of, your hospital bill.

Request a copy of your completed medical record and obtain the copy within a reasonable time frame.

Know the hospital's process for taking care of your concerns or complaints. You can discuss your concerns with your nurse, physician or the hospital Administrator. He can be reached at 493-3541 ext. 111.
Quality Health Care

Be treated by skilled, compassionate, caring physicians, nurses, and hospital staff.

Know the names and roles of the providers caring for you.

Be well informed about your illness, possible treatments, and likely outcomes, and to discuss this information with your healthcare provider.

Be advised if the hospital proposes to engage in research projects affecting your care or treatment, and the right to refuse to participate in such studies without compromising the quality of care you receive.

Receive care in a safe setting.

Be free from chemical or physical restraint except as authorized by a physician or in an emergency when necessary to protect you or others from injury,.

Receive appropriate discharge teaching and instruction for self-care, including awareness of community resources available to provide supportive care.
Participate in Decisions

Act in partnership with your health care providers to make decisions regarding your care.

Create advanced directives, which in Alabama includes a Living Will, Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, and the appointment of a Health Care Proxy.

Informed consent, including the right to have treatment options explained so that you understand the benefits, risks, and treatment choices.

Refuse treatment to the extent permitted by ethics and law, and to be informed of the medical consequences of your action.

To obtain pertinent information as to any relationship of this hospital and other health care institutions which may affect your care.
It is YOUR Responsibility to:
Be part of Your Care

Be as accurate and complete as possible when providing medical history and treatment information.

Inform your health care provider if you have any questions regarding care and treatment.

Partner with the health care providers to develop an appropriate plan of care.

Participate in the designated plan of care.

Notify your health care providers if the designated plan of care cannot be followed.

Notify your health care providers or the Administrator if you are not satisfied with the care you received.
Respect and Consider the Rights of Others

Be considerate of the rights of other patients and their families.

Be considerate of the physicians and hospital personnel.

Provide the hospital with accurate and timely information concerning the sources of payment and ability to meet financial obligations associated with care.

Respect and act in accordance with hospital regulations.
During your stay, you will need only minimal personal items. If you have brought items other than your pajamas or a nightgown, a robe, slippers and toiletries, we would suggest that your send them home with one of your visitors, if possible. We encourage you to send home any watches, rings, other jewelry and any extra cash you may have brought. However, we will gladly place any valuables you are unable to send home in our Business Office safe.
Please keep items such as eyeglasses, dentures and contact lenses in a safe place, such as the drawer of your bedside cabinet. We will provide you with a container for dentures and a bag for personal items. The hospital cannot be responsible for the breakage or loss of any of your personal items.
Guest Trays
Guest Trays - the kitchen has cut off times for when trays can be ordered. Breakfast by 6:30am, Lunch by 10:30am, and Supper by 4:00pm.

To make ANY call from any phone (local or long distance), dial all 10 numbers starting with the area code, i.e., 334-493-3541

CALLING CARD CALLS: Dial the calling card number using all 10 digits and follow the instructions on the card

To call a patient's room number from a hospital phone: dial the extension (Press 3 followed by room number, i.e, 3310 to call room 310, 3311 to call room 311).

To call a patient's room number from a NON-hospital phone, call the Hospital main number and then dial 3 followed by the room number at any time during the greeting. EX: Call 334-493-3541, while the greeting is playing, press 3310 to call room 310, or 3320 for room 320, etc.).
HOSPITAL SWITCHBOARD: dial 1000 or call 334-493-3541 and press 0 during the greeting.
Your physician, a member of the Mizell Memorial Hospital Medical Staff, has requested your admission. Our admission personnel will obtain information from you that is required by law and will help us to serve you better. You will need your insurance card and your driver's license to assist us with identification. When presenting to the hospital, you should have a copy of your physician's orders available. Your orders will expedite your treatment.
Private Rooms
Unless your physician orders a private room, you will be placed in a semi-private. However, a private room may be available with a deposit of $45. There is a $15 per day difference in a private and semi-private room. A suite is also available for a deposit of $120. There is a $40 per day difference in a suite and semi-private room.
Financial Services
Your hospital bill will include the daily service rate and the charge of other services provided. The daily service rate includes the cost of your hospital room, food service, nursing service, housekeeping service and maintenance.
The Business Office will assist you in filing your insurance for payment. It is your responsibility to provide the hospital with all required information needed to process your claim, i.e., copy of insurance card, accident form, prior authorization. However, should your insurance company not pay your claim, you are responsible for the bill. You will be responsible for any non-covered items such as deductibles, coinsurance or services in which your insurance company does not consider reimbursable. We accept cash, personal checks, MasterCard, Visa, and Discover. Payments should be made at the cashier's window in the Business Office or mailed to the hospital with your statement.
Patients admitted under Medicare are responsible for deductibles and any items not covered by Medicare. You may be asked to sign an advance beneficiary notice (ABN) if we have reason to believe a test/procedure will not be covered by Medicare. Medicare requires that all hospitals use this method to notify the patient that he or she may be responsible for the charges that Medicare may not pay. The hospital is required to check diagnosis for a particular test against pre-approved Medicare diagnosis. If your diagnosis is not on the list, then you may be asked to sign an ABN. We will try to contact your physician for further diagnosis prior to the beneficiary signing an ABN. Medicare does not pay for routine screening, even if the ordering physician deems this necessary, with the exception of the following:

Once every three years, pap smears for women with a normal risk of developing cervical cancer; and once every 12 months for those women at high risk.

Annual stool blood screens

Annual mammograms

Annual PSA screens for prostate cancer.

Every 24 months, a screening colonoscopy for patients at high risk for colon cancer.
Private Pay
Payment arrangements are available for private pay patients. For all elective procedures, a deposit is required. A patient representative will assist you with this. They will also check to see if you meet Medicaid or other financial assistance criteria. You may contact the Patient Financial Representative at 493-9119.
Physician Fees
Physician fees may not be included on your hospital bill. We now bill several physician services, but not all. Not only will you receive a hospital bill, but also a bill from the physician who treated you, any consulting physician, surgeon, anesthetist, and radiologist.
We have pre-registration for all surgical patients. This gives the patient the opportunity to come in and have all paper work completed along with all lab work, x-rays or any other pre-admission testing. We highly recommend pre-admission testing rather than waiting until the day of surgery. If a health concern is recognized due to the your test results, it can be addressed prior to surgery usually without the need to delay your surgery. On the day of your test, check in with patient registration in the rear of the hospital.
Centralized Scheduling
Mizell Memorial has centralized scheduling to better satisfy our customers as well as our physicians. We schedule patients for outpatient procedures at their convenience and pre-register these patients in order to expedite their care. All orders are received from the physician office and patients are contacted to pre-scheduled. The majority of the information is collected at that time to speed up the process.